Bracket Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template (Admin Templates)


Bracket is yet another New Bootstrap 3 Admin Template with jQuery plugins that is perfect for your next projects. It provides an easy to use modern and flat user interface design and a fully responsive layout that is compatible with handheld devices such as phones and tablets.

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  • Built using Bootstrap 3
  • Valid HTML5 and CSS 3
  • Clean and Modern Design
  • Fully Responsive and Retina Ready
  • Graphs – Flot, Morris and Sparkline
  • Email Template
  • Forms
    • Enhanced Checkboxes
    • Enhanced Select using jQuery Chosen
    • Toggle Switches
    • Time Picker
    • Date Picker
    • Input Masks
    • Autogrow Textarea
    • Input Tags
    • Dropzone File Upload
    • Form Validation
    • Form Wizard
    • WYSIHTML5 Editor
    • CKEditor
  • UI Elements
    • Buttons & Icons
    • Typography
    • Alerts & Notifications
    • Tabs & Accordions
    • Sliders
    • Graphs & Charts
    • Panels & Widgets
    • and much more
  • Tables
  • Maps – Gmaps and jVector Map
  • Pages
    • Calendar
    • Media Manager
    • Timeline
    • Grid Blog List
    • Blog Single View
    • People Directory
    • Profile
    • Invoice
    • Search Results
    • 404 Page
    • Locked Page
    • Sign In
    • Sign Up
  • Skins and Extended Layout Styles

Work In Progress

  • UI Kit in PSD
  • More Skins & Layouts
  • Some UI Bug Fixes and Enhancements
  • More updates coming soon

Change Log

Version 1.1 - Feb 20, 2014  * Fixed: Collapsed Menu Issue - showing sub menu in collapsed mode * Fixed: Logo not showing in enabling sticky leftpanel * Added: Font Options - to change font of your choice


ThemeForest new Admin Templates items





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