FlatLab – Bootstrap 3 Responsive Admin Template (Admin Templates)

FlatLab is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with real flat design concept. Flat color, clean content placement, easy customization and professional coding is its core power.

FlatLab is a fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3.1.0 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. This theme is very lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it with just a finger snap . FlatLab can be used for all type of web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc. A large number of widget are included here to make your work easier. FlatLab works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smart phone device.

Flatlab Frontend link Frontend

Version 1.3.3 – 10 February 14

  • Upgrade: Bootstrap 3.1.0
  • New Page: Inbox Details View
  • New Included: PSD Files
  • Enhancement : Iconic input fields View
  • Fixed : Form wizard responsive view
  • Fixed : Minor Issues

Version 1.3.2 – 27 January 14

  • Enhancement : Datepicker in Modal View
  • Fixed : Minor Issues

Version 1.3.1 – 9 January 14

  • New Page: Multiple File Upload View
  • Enhancement : Dynamic table pagination adding
  • Enhancement : Advanced table pagination adding

Version 1.3.0 – 16 December 13

  • Fixed : Timepicker icon problem
  • Fixed : General page modal button position in mobile veiw
  • Fixed : General page navigation content mobile veiw icon
  • Fixed : Some minor issues

Version 1.2.3 – 9 December 13

  • Enhancement : Adding Filter in Product list View
  • Fixed : Some minor issues

Version 1.2.2 – 2 December 13

  • New Page: Pricing Table View
  • New Page: Responsive Email Template View
  • Upgrade : Font Awesome 4.0.3
  • Enhancement : Pulstate implement in general page View
  • Enhancement : Language switching option included in Front-end View
  • Fixed : Invoice Page print view
  • Fixed : Some minor issues

Version 1.2.1 – 22 November 13

  • New Page: Todo list/sortable list View
  • New Page: Product list View
  • New Page: Product details View
  • New Page: Lock Screen View
  • New Page: xChart View
  • New Page: Language switch bar View
  • New Page: Forgot Password
  • Enhancement : Dashboard Summary Box value animation
  • Enhancement : footer section included
  • Fixed : Home page owl carousal auto sliding
  • Fixed : Some Minor Issues

Version 1.2.0 – 13 November 13

  • Upgrade Bootstrap 3.0.2
  • New Page: Advanced Components View
  • Added Multiple select
  • Added Date Pickers
  • Added Datetime Pickers
  • Added Time Pickers
  • Added Color Pickers
  • Added Spinner
  • Added Advanced File Input
  • Added WYSIHTML5 Editor
  • New Page: Image Cropping View
  • Enhancement : Multi Level Menu Integration
  • Fixed : Some Minor Issues

Version 1.0.3 – 6 November 13

  • New Page: Horizontal Menu View
  • Enhancement : Home Page Earning Graph View

Version 1.0.2 – 4 November 13

  • New Page: Flot Charts View
  • New Page: Inline Editor View
  • New Page: Responsive Table View
  • New Page: Advanced Table View
  • New Page: Editable Table View
  • Fixed : Dynamic Table Searching & Sorting View
  • Fixed : Some Minor Issues

Version 1.0.1 – 27 October 13

  • New Page: boxed view View
  • New Page: Registration View
  • New Page: Gallery View
  • New Page: Nestable View
  • New Page: Search Result View
  • New Page: Google Maps View
  • New Page: Dropzone File Upload View
  • Enhancement : Masked Input View
  • Enhancement : Collapsible Widget View
  • Enhancement : Star Ratings View
  • Fixed : Dynamic Table responsive view
  • Fixed : Integrated TouchPunch for mobile view in slider page
  • Fixed : Minor issue fixing

Version 1.0.0 – 22 October 13

  • First release

Clients Speaks For Us

Hello, this is one of the best themes I have seen in a long time. Congratulations!

WOW, Amazing Admin. Very clean and cool. And Frankly speaking this is the cutest admin template ever i seen in themeforest. I am loving it.

Great work (y) . One of the best admin template it is. Backend and Front end both are marvellous. A+++

It so good. I like it very very much . Amazing flat design!!!

I smell a top seller. Good luck mate.

Full Features

  • Built with Bootstrap 3.1.0
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Fully Responsive & Interactive
  • Flat UI with clean style
  • Huge Components
  • Mobile widgets
  • Boxed View
  • Full Featured Frontend
  • Revolution Slider(12$ value)
  • Latest jQuery v1.10.2
  • jQuery NiceScroll
  • jQuery Sparklines
  • Morris Chart
  • Chartjs
  • Flot Chart
  • jQuery Easy Pie Chart
  • jquery-validation-1.11.1
  • Date, datetime, time, date range & color Picker(Bootstrap Date, datetime, time, date range & color Picker)
  • CKEditor
  • WYSIHTML5 Editor
  • Multiple/Dual select
  • Spinner
  • Image Cropping
  • Integrated Full Calendar(jQuery Full Calendar)
  • Notifications(jQuery Gritter)
  • Nestable
  • Bootstrap FuelUX Tree
  • jQuery UI Touch Punch
  • Goole Maps
  • Form Component
  • Form wizard (jquery stepy)
  • Form Validation
  • Dropzone File Upload
  • Inline Editor
  • jQuery ScrollTo
  • jQuery Knob
  • Slider (jQuery Slider)
  • jQuery Tagsinput
  • Bootstrap Switch
  • Owl.carousel
  • Dynamic Table
  • Responsive Table
  • Advanced Table
  • Editable Table
  • Font Awesome 4.0.3
  • Custom Radiobutton, Checkbox
  • Google font – OpenSans
  • Well structured code
  • Detailed Documentation


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