Frank is a multi-purpose one-page responsive HTML template
- Bootstrap 3 (responsive)
- Custom effects are triggered when:
- a user enters a page (the page becomes visible on screen)
- a user exits a page (the page is no longer visible on screen)
- a user scrolls through a page; all sorts of values are passed so that a fluid animation can be made with just page scroll actions
- a user clicks on a menu item
- a “goto” event is triggered (more in the documentation)
- Robust library for scroll-based selective animation of webpage sections
- Working contact form
- JavaScript validation
- PHP validation
- 3 saving options:
- save to text file
- save to e-mail
- save to database
- reCaptcha integration
- Working Google Maps
- Easy customization with HTML attributes
- Uses the primary site color
- Parallax effects
- Easy customization with HTML attributes
- Automatic centering of inner content
- Hand gestures-friendly (swipe effect available for blog and testimonials)
- Complete Disqus integration for the blog items
- unique hashes are generated for each blog item
- each item has comment counts automatically calculated
- Hash-based sharing of sub-pages: blog items and portfolio items lightboxes are automatically triggered if the user visits a #hash of those items.
- Twitter API v.1.1 integration
- PHP scripts included; they are well-commented and follow the Zend coding rules
- Easy customization with HTML attributes:
- Twitter username
- Tweets count
- Include retweets etc.
- Keyboard integration – you can use the arrow keys to navigate through the pages and even through the individual content of each page
- Full-width and boxed layouts
- Custom color theme (you choose the hexa)
- “Lighter” and “Darker” tones are automatically calculated based on the selected color – for highlights and shadows
- Isotope –
- Revolution Slider jQuery Plugin –
- Stephino’s Storyline jQuery Plugin –
v1.0 - First release
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