Longform (Tumblr)

Longform is our gilded carriage for text. Typographical refinement and a pristine layout make content pop while staying classically minimal. It’s an beautiful and expansive space for the full extent of your creativity, perfect for content-heavy blogs of all kinds.

Refined Typography

Longform is designed for text-heavy blogs, but its carefully chosen layout and typographical options easily back off to let image and video content shine.

Stunning Sharebox

Like many of our other themes, Longform includes a share widget on every post’s permalink page, allowing your followers to share your content on other social media.

Responsive Design

We’ve designed this theme to scale perfectly and look gorgeous on desktops, notebooks, and tablets.

Share Widget

A togglable widget to instantly share posts on other social media platforms.

Additional Page Support

This theme supports/displays links to any additional blog pages you create.

Click-to-Load Infinite Scroll

Readers can continuously load content by clicking “load more” at the end of your feed.

Social Media Links

Includes icons linking to your other social media pages.

Facebook Commenting

Readers can comment on your posts using their Facebook accounts.

Disqus Commenting

Readers can comment on your posts using the Tumblr-standard Disqus system.

Top notch customer support

Don’t panic. No matter what you’re confused or concerned about, our wizardly customer service is here to help answer any questions you have. Check out our support centre for more.

ThemeForest new Tumblr items






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