Minimal – Responsive Admin Template (Admin Templates)


Minimal is premium admin theme where transparency is main player. It’s builded on popular Twitter Bootstrap v3 framework. Minimal is fully based on HTML5 + SASS standards. Is fully responsive and clean on every device.

Minimal contains many example pages with many ready to use elements. You can choose from six beautiful background which perfectly fits with Minimal transparent elements or you can choose video background which is mostly experimental at this stage.

Minimal work on every modern browser, any device and any screen size.

Any new improvements which you’ll like to see in next build are welcome, please let us know what you want to be added. And don’t forget to rate this item starstarstarstarstar. Thank you and enjoy with Minimal.


  • Responsive design
  • SASS
  • Font Awesome
  • Integrated charts (jQuery flot, Sparklines, JustGage, Rickshaw, Morris.js, EasyPieChart)
  • Dynamic tables (Datatables)
  • Growl style notifications (using jGrowl)
  • Calendar (using Fullcalendar)
  • Form wizard (using bootstrapWizard)
  • Validated HTML5
  • Sliders, Togglers
  • WYSIWYG editor (using Summernote)
  • Form validation (using parsley.js)
  • File Upload widget (using jQuery File Upload plugin)
  • Multiple selectboxes (using Chosen)
  • Easy customized tiles
  • Right-side Sidebar (using Mmenu)


version 1.0 – 30.03.2014
    Initial release 

ThemeForest new Admin Templates items





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