Builder Disclaimer
Please understand that like any piece of software the builder does have a few limitations, especially due to the fact that it has to handle exporting a correct and functional email, which makes certain tasks (like deleting an image completely for example) much more complicated than they seem to be.
Having said this, please keep in mind that for things the builder doesn’t allow you to customize we’re always here, as long as they’re kept within some decent support limits of course, we can’t help you change 50% of the core code (because it would simply be too time consuming), but we can definitely help you get rid of a couple of unwanted bits (like social icons and such) or even help with a bit of more extensive color customization.
Builder Frequently Asked Questions
Featured Email Template
Featured WordPress Theme
Amazing Support
We’re more than happy to offer you sublime support for the items you purchase, just make sure to contact us either through Themeforest or through the item comments so we can make sure we receive your question and answer as soon as possible.
Update History
V1.1 – June 20th, 2014
Minor Fixes
V1.0 – June 19th, 2014
Official Release
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