Quadro – A Masonry Theme for Tumblr (Blog)

Quadro is a stylish Tumblr theme with a Masonry powered grid layout and an emphasis on sharing of content. Quadro offers a flexible grid with variable box sizes, an off-canvas sidebar which can be optionally “pinned” on large screens, and plenty of customization options.

Check out the Demo, or read the Online Documentation.

Crispy design

Quadro uses CSS3 properties—gradients, drop shadows, transparency—and SVG (scalable vector graphics) for all of the icons and user interface. This ensures that your website will look great on any device, no matter its screen resolution or pixel density. You can use a text logo or an image one, with an option to upload a retina logo image as well.

Ajax post loading and endless scrolling

Choose between regular static pagination links, Ajax post loading with the click of a button, or true endless scrolling without the need for user interaction.

Off-canvas sidebar with plenty of widgets

The off-canvas sidebar can be optionally “pinned” on large screens, which means it will be always visible on the left above a certain screen width. The included widgets are: Navigation and search, Twitter, Dribbble, Flickr, Instagram and the Social widget.

Flexible Masonry layout

The homepage grid is made-up of columns that are about 300 pixels wide. Each block can span a single column, or you can use the special tags medium and large so they span two or three columns instead. You can also limit the grid width to four, three or two columns.

Focus on sharing

Both on the homepage and individual pages, each post features a widget with “reblog”, “like” and “share” actions prominently, with an stylish and exclusive design.

Photoset Grids

Responsive photoset grids lets you arrange your images in any way you want.

“Fake” titles for image, audio and video posts

You can display a title for this post types on the homepage by simply highlighting the first caption paragraph and making it bold.

Social Icon Links

Links to your favorite social networks are displayed at the bottom of the sidebar. These are the included social links: Bandcamp, Behance, Blogger, Delicious, Deviantart, Digg, Dribbble, Email, Etsy, Facebook, Flickr, Forrst, Foursquare, Github, Google Plus, Instagram, Lastfm, Linkedin, Myspace, Picasa, Pinboard, Pinterest, Quora, Rdio, Reddit, Rss, Skype, Soundcloud, Spotify, Squarespace, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, WordPress, and Youtube.

Support for all post types

Quadro supports Text, Photo, Quote, Link, Chat, Audio, Video, and Answer post types.

More features

  • Support for user created pages.
  • Text or image based logo with optional retina version.
  • Google Web Fonts for headings and logo.
  • Support for Disqus commenting system.

v1.0.0 April 09, 2014

  • Initial release

ThemeForest new Blogging items





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