Teacher- Education One Page Responsive Theme (Landing Pages)


Teacher a clean and elegant HTML Landing Page- One Page Template, based on twitter bootstrap 3 framework, it will give you the best experience,with a lot of beautiful effects, easy to customize it and Compatible on every device and any browser.

It is great to sell online classes, tutorials, software and event apps!

Working Contact form


  • Mobile First
  • Working Contact form
  • Working Newsletter form
  • Bootstrap 3 Grid
  • Unlimited Color Options
  • Valid HTML
  • Clean coded and well documented
  • SEO Optimized
  • Responsive Pricing Table
  • Over 390 icons
  • Cross Browser compatible
  • Google Fonts
  • jQuery powered
  • and much more!

NOTE: The online samples images belong to their respective owners and are only used for demo purposes.

ThemeForest new Marketing items





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