Unlimited – Sports Wear & Accessories Store Template (Retail)

Unlimited – is a clean, modern, user friendly – with many of functions theme just perfect for your sports wear and accessories store.

The HTML template has 23 Pages. The template is full and easily customizable. It is well organized, commented and documented.


  • Built with Bootstrap
  • LESS files supplied
  • PHP files included
  • Responsive
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • HTML5 Validated
  • Highly Customizable
  • Well commented code
  • Well Documented Code
  • Touch Enabled Sliders
  • Updated regularly


Home Pages

  1. Home v1
  2. Home v2
  3. Home v3
  4. Home v4
  5. Home v5

Shop Pages

  1. Shop
  2. Shop Full-width
  3. Shop Categories
  4. Single Product
  5. Checkout
  6. Cart

Special Pages

  1. Compare
  2. Wishlist
  3. Gift Card
  4. Login
  5. Register
  6. FAQ
  7. Blog
  8. Blog Post
  9. 404
  10. About
  11. Team
  12. Contact


  1. PSD Design by 24beyond
  2. HTML code by Akther Jabeen
  3. Bootstrap by Twitter
  4. Bootstrap Hover Dropdown by Cameron Spear
  5. Jquery Easing by George McGinley Smith
  6. Owl Carousel Beta 2 by OwlFonk
  7. WOW by Matthieu Aussaguel
  8. Animate.css by Daniel Eden
  9. Yamm 3 by geedmo
  10. echo by toddmotto
  11. jQuery UI
  12. CustomSelectby adam
  13. Paceby TrevorBurnham


Pre-sales questions are answered via comments in the item Discussion. Support for this purchased item is provided via email.

ThemeForest new Retail items





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