Best Free Premium WordPress Themes – WpLava: 10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration

Best Free Premium WordPress Themes – WpLava

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration

Sep 2nd 2012, 12:38

WordPress Showcase and Inspiration roundup the new set of articles introduced by Our team so that we include every thing about wordpress not just wordpress themes but also Plugins, tutorials,Designs and showcase.
Our Plans is to write new showcase article every week so that this will be 4 amazing sources of inspiration to check every month. If you have amazing wordpress design you want to showcase you can Simply contact us with your sites info and we will check it out and see if it rockstar or just trash 10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration

Amala Foundation

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration

The Amala Foundation’s WordPress-powered website uses a custom branded WordPress theme to collect donations and promote their charitable work.

Cutest Paw

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration

The website design take the same flavor of pinterest design but this one for animals. minimalist dynamic grid-based layout and infinite scroll to put emphasis on the focus of the site: the photos.

Wolverine Worldwide

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration


Wolverine Worldwide is over a billion dollar a year corporation operating in over 190 countries. It uses WordPress as a CMS to promote their brands and expand their portfolio.

Lafayette College

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration


Lafayette College’s well-designed, easy to navigate, and website is powered by WordPress and uses a variety of plugins and custom code to handle a wide range of content, from static content to photo galleries, and more.

University of Missouri College of Engineering

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration


The University of Missouri College of Engineering uses a single network install of WordPress to host 5 of out of 7 of their academic departments. In addition, the site uses custom post types to create faculty pages that are organized by tags and provides a variety of content that is useful to both faculty and students. The site also pulls news using built in functions instead of MySQL queries.

U.Va Department of Environmental Sciences

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration



10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration


The site uses WordPress to combines Flash, static content, and a forum community.

The Streamy Awards

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration


The Streamy Awards site is a unique implementation of WordPress as a content management system and employs top and side bar navigation, multiple categories of blog styles, and Cufon across the site

Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins

10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration


Rodney Jerkins is a notable individual within the music industry and chose WordPress to power his entire website. Additionally, the site uses the WordPress framework to create login-based access to exclusive content like webisodes and music downloads.


10 Beautiful WordPress Designs For Inspiration


End of this Night Showcase, You may be interested in Some Awesome wordpress Themes showcase also Please read the List Below.


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