The theme is released under GPL. You can use it for all your projects for free and without any restrictions. Please link to this article if you want to spread the word. You may modify the theme as you wish.
The theme was developed for WordPress 3.0 (compatible with 3.0.1)
Modern, three-column clean design
Setting up Academica Theme is easy and takes just a few seconds. The theme can be uploaded directly from the Dashboard > Appearance > Themes page. No need to edit any files — everything can be done from the Theme Options page.
5 built-in icons to share and link to your profiles on Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube
The theme allows enabling/disabling of a jQuery-based content slider on the homepage for showing your photos
Academica Theme uses a jQuery-based drop-down menu with a fade-in effect
9 sidebars (widget areas) and 3 custom widgets developed for this theme
3 custom page templates and 2 custom post templates
Dynamic image resizing (TimThumb script)
Support for Custom Menus (WordPress 3.0+).
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