Free Blogger Premium Templates | Premium WordPress Themes | Intense WordPress Theme

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Intense WordPress Theme

Jul 10th 2012, 09:41

Theme name : Intense

Platform : WordPress

Price : $40

A blog and portfolio theme.

List of Features

  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • Responsive design (Optimised for mobile devises)
  • Full Localisation Support (contains .po/.mo files)
  • Theme Options with native WordPress look and feel
  • Page Templates (Archives, Contact Form, Full Width)
  • 6 Custom Sidebar Widgets (Flickr Photostream, Dribbble Shots, Latest From The Blog, Popular Posts With Thumbnails, Recent Comments With Thumbnails, Recent Posts with Thumbnails and Recent Twitter Updates)
  • Custom Background
  • Navigation Menus
  • Post Formats (Aside, Gallery, Link, Image, Quote, Status, Video, Audio, Chat)
  • Post Thumbnails
  • Automatic Feed Links
  • Editor Style
  • Envato WordPress Toolkit (upgrades a theme to its latest version)
  • Layered PSDs for Customisation

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