Beginner’s Guide to Improving Your WordPress Website

Beginner’s Guide to Improving Your WordPress Website

Beginner's Guide to Improving Your WordPress Website

ON SALE for .99!!

Have you recently built a website with WordPress? Do you want to know what you can do to improve your website and take it to the next level? Are you looking for a guide that will quickly walk you through the steps necessary to make your blog better? Then look no further and download this book to your Kindle device.

This isn’t a quick fix or get rich quick book. The information contained within doesn’t promise to increase traffic to your website overni


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One response to “Beginner’s Guide to Improving Your WordPress Website”

  1.  Avatar
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    More good web help from Ulrich is here, August 21, 2013

    This review is from: Beginner’s Guide to Improving Your WordPress Website (Kindle Edition)
    I enjoyed this e-book very much, Ulrich’s combination of sound advice and strategy tied together by practical and actionable instruction makes this a easy decision to purchase. I must admit I do have a marketing background but it is amazing how many times you forget to go back and update outdated pages. After reading this I could think of at least 20 pages on our web site that I want to improve immediately using Ulrich’s suggestions. There were several keys for me in this volume from Ulrich – 1. Have a plan before you implement 2. Upgrades are simple and available 3. Don’t forget about the mobile aspect. I look forward to see what is next from Ulrich.


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