WordPress Tutorials (Smashing eBook Series)

WordPress Tutorials (Smashing eBook Series)

WordPress Tutorials (Smashing eBook Series)

You’ve probably already gathered a lot of knowledge on how to improve your WordPress skills, but applying this on your own might be a complicated process. Reading this eBook #12 WordPress Tutorials will facilitate putting all this knowledge into practice. Through the accurate methods which were exclusively selected by our editorial team, you will certainly acquire the expertise you need for your future WordPress publishing projects without any complications.

For instance, you will lea


WordPress Training Video – Tutorial CD (PC or Mac)

WordPress Training Video - Tutorial CD (PC or Mac)

  • Reduce learning time by 80%. Learn from a professional trainer from your own desk.
  • Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.
  • Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps
  • Ideal for users who learn faster when shown.
  • Works on PC and Mac

Number of Videos: 112
Duration: 5 Hours Expert trainer Neil Oliver takes you through one of the powerfull blogging programs available today, WordPress. WordPress can appear to be complex for first time users. Neil takes you through WordPress one step at a time, from the basics of setting up your WordPress blog, through complex topics such as installing and using widgets and plug-ins. Included in this tutorial is coverage of some of the most popular plug-ins, as well as a full chapter on t

List Price: $ 49.99

Price: $ 49.99

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