Content After Posts WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

We all know that users do not always land on your home page directly. Most of the users come from search engines or other sources. They find their way to a certain page and read the content. What if you want to have the same content on every single page? For example Newsletter-Codes or advertisements? Adding the code to every page is not only time consuming but also very inefficient. This is why I wrote the Content After Posts WordPress Plugin. It allows to add multiple contents before and after posts, pages, custom post types or even single pages. You can also select certain pages or exclude some of them. Super easy!

Content After Posts WordPress Plugin

  • WordPress Plugin
  • Super Easy to use
  • Language ready (.po files included)
  • Already translated into: English and German
  • Automatic Updates
  • Uninstall feature

Support & Testimonials

  • Our products are made in Germany by a German engineer.
  • All technical requests regarding the plugin will end up in the engineers email account not in asia or anywhere else.
  • You will get support from the guy who wrote the plugin.
  • Maybe this are the reasons why our customers are so satisfied.

Some quotes of our customers (this and other products):

  • “Dear WP-Buddy, WOW, thanks so much for super service and great product.”
  • “Thanks WP-Buddy for listening to your buyers. Great support thanks again.”
  • “Thank you so much for the briefing. Awesome services.”
  • “I just found your plugin on Code Canyon, I love the quality of it and it shows you have great talent.”
  • “Thanks a lot for the help and support mate. It seems good after testing… please let me know u have anymore products for sale or in pipline lol”
  • “Thanks SO MUCH for taking time and writing to me the valuable information about snippets.”

Plugin Requirements

  • This plugin requires: PHP5.3 running on your webserver (if you don’t know how to update to the latest version, read this)

Version History

The current version is 1.0 (June 10, 2014). Click here for a full version history.

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