Data Browser – current version 1.0.2 available for download!
Advanced Analyzer for Site Data
- DataBrowser is a premium multi-purpose system for creating charts , and analyzing/browsing data, based on the real existing data on your site.
- This is a system to create interactive charts and tables automatically
- This is a system to anaylse and find data in simple way
- This system supports all custom post types and all taxonomies and custom fields
DataBrowser features
- General Features
- Fully customizable
- Unlimited colors
- Multi-purpose system
- Full control on height and width
- Powerful admin panel
- Fully ajaxed
- No need to fill chart data
- You can create unlimited “DataBrowser” instance
- You can view “DataBrowser” anywhere using shortcode
- Free updates & support
- Navigation Path Section
- With the “Navigation Path Section” you have full control on the browsing process
- You can delete a query
- You can choose one query and delete all other queries just by one click
- You can return to one of the previous queries
- You can reset queries
- You can customize each element in Navigation Path specifically with a lot of settings
- Chart Section
- With the “Chart Section” you can see “auto generated charts” in customizable view
- 8 type of chart ready to use : ScatterChart, LineChart, AreaChart, BarChart, ColumnChart ,StepedChart , DonutChart and PieChart
- You can build charts based on taxonomies , custom fields and other post data
- You can sort charts
- All charts are interactive and clickable so you can click on a value of a chart and see the results
- Each type of charts has its own settings
- Animation ready for ScatterChart, LineChart, AreaChart, BarChart, and ColumnChart
- Post List Section
- With the “Post List Section” you can see analysed post in a customizable list
- You can use taxonomies , custom fields and other post data in this section
- You can sort post list contents
- You can customize each element in “Post List Section” specifically with a lot of settings
- You can customize post list pagination
- Single Post Section
- With the “Single Post Section” you can see a post with the full details in fully customizable lightbox
- You can use taxonomies , custom fields and other post data in this section
- You can sort single post contents
- You can customize each element in “Single Post Section” specifically with a lot of settings
- Available setting for each element
- Background color
- Font size
- Font Color
- Font name
- Font weight
- Font style
- Width
- Min width
- max width
- Height
- Min height
- Max height
- Text align
- Float Property
- Direction Property
- Display Property
- Overflow-x Property
- Overflow-y Property
- Word-wrap property
- Word break
- Letter spacing
- Word spacing
- Margins
- Padding
- Border
- Border type
- Border width
- Border color
- Border top setting specifically
- Border bottom setting specifically
- Border left setting specifically
- Border right setting specifically
- Border radius
- Text shadow enable/disable
- Text shadow H-shadow
- Text shadow V-shadow
- Text shadow Blur
- Text shadow Color
- Box shadow enable/disable
- Box shadow H-shadow
- Box shadow V-shadow
- Box shadow Blur
- Box shadow Spread
- Box shadow Color
- Box shadow Direction
- Z-index
- Vertical align
- Available settings for charts
- Pie Hole
- Is 3D
- Connect Steps
- Area Opacity
- Line Width
- Slice text style
- Slice Text color
- Slice Font name
- Slice Font size
- Pie Slice Text
- Pie Start Angle
- Pie Residue Slice Color
- Pie Residue Slice Label
- Curve type
- Orientation
- Point shape
- Point size
- Points visible
- Crosshair enable/disable
- Crosshair Color Focused
- Crosshair Opacity Focused
- Crosshair Orientation Focused
- Crosshair Color Selected
- Crosshair Opacity Selected
- Crosshair Orientation Selected
- Trendlines enable/disable
- Trendlines type
- Trendlines Color
- Trendlines Line Width
- Trendlines Opacity
- Trendlines Show R2
- Trendlines Visible in legend
- Trendlines Degree
- Trendlines Point size
- Trendlines Points visible
- Data opacity
- Animation Startup
- Animation Duration
- Animation Easing
- Annotations enable/disable
- Annotations content
- Annotations hover content
- Annotations both mode separator
- Annotations content manual
- Annotations hover content manual
- Annotations Always outside
- Annotations High contrast
- Annotation type
- Annotations text Style
- Annotations text Color
- Annotations text Font name
- Annotations text Bold
- Annotations text Italic
- Annotations text Font size
- Annotations text Aura color
- Annotations text Opacity
- Axis titles position
- Title position
- Font size
- Font name
- Force iframe
- Enable interactivity
- Reverse Categories
- Title text style
- Title Text color
- Title text Font name
- Title text Font size
- Title text Bold
- Title text Italic
- Background color
- Border color
- Border width
- Chart area width
- Chart area height
- Chart width
- Chart height
- Legend Legend max lines
- Legend Position
- Legend Alignment
- Legend text style
- Legend Text color
- Legend text Font name
- Legend text Font size
- Legend text Bold
- Legend text Italic
- Tooltip Ignore bounds
- Tooltip show color Code
- Tooltip trigger
- Tooltip text style
- Tooltip Text color
- Tooltip text Font name
- Tooltip text Font size
- Tooltip text Bold
- Tooltip text Italic
01.04.2016 - ver 1.0.2 - major user interface improvement - Fixed some css bogs - improved documention file 27.03.2016 - ver 1.0.1 - Changed setting interface . - Changed defult setting for table - Changed defult setting for chart box - Changed defult setting for DataBrowser section - Fixed some css bogs - improved documention file 20.03.2016 - ver 1.0.0 - first release .