Ebay Woocommerce Product Manager (WooCommerce)

Ebay Woocommerce Import Product Manager(woobay)


Woobay is used to import product from ebay to your woocommerce site. This is helpful to create your own store with all your ebay products and it is also be used to make money using ebay affiliate with ebay partner network of other seller items. Woobay is used to import product with

  • Ebay Item Ids
  • Ebay Item Url
  • Ebay Category Url
  • Search by keyword
  • Import By Store Name
  • Import By Seller Name
  • Import By UPC/EAN/ISBN



To Import products from ebay to woocommerce site, Requirements you need are:

  • woocommmerce installed wordpress site
  • Ebay developer account
  • Ebay Partner Network (optional required only for affiliate)

Ebay Developer Account

To get eaby appid, dev id, cert id and token register at https://developer.ebay.com/join/

Ebay Partner Network

To get Customid and trackinng id for ebay partner network register at(needed only for affiliate)https://www.ebaypartnernetwork.com/files/hub/en-US/index.html


Extract the plugin woobay.zip which contains

  • docummentation folder
  • pw-ebayaffiliate.zip
  • you can install from wordpress admin->plugins->add new->upload the pw-ebayaffiliate.zip. After installing activate from plugins. You can also install from file structure. Extract pw-ebayaffiliate.zip, copy and paste all the files in the folder wordpress-installation-folder/wp-content/plugins. After adding all the files, Activate it from wordpress admin plugins tab.

    How It works:

    In wordpress admin after activating the plugin, you will be seen woobay in left panel with.

  • Configuration
  • Search Products
  • Store Products
  • Manage By Keyword
  • Manage By Upc/EAn/ISBN
  • Configuration:

  • api keys which you will get by registring into ebay developer account(appid, devid, certid, token, username).
  • Select the required product settings like product status, type od product to be imported, search type to imported product
  • Affiliate Api settings such as custom id, tracking id which you will get by registering at ebay partner network. Enter Text to display on buy button
  • configuration Search Products:

    Search products tab offers you to import product in 3 ways by item ids, item url, category url.


  • Using item ids, Insert item ids you have to import either by comma/tab/nextline(\n) separator and selet the seperator type and country from which you want to import. Select the category in which you want to import or select Use ebay category which will create ebay category and assign to the imported products.
  • Using Ebay product deatil page url, Enter the url of the ebay product and also choose country and category(Use ebay category which will automatically create and assign category) and click on search and import button which will import the product
  • Using Ebay category page url, Enter the url of the ebay category page and also choose country and category(Use ebay category which will automatically create and assign category) and click on search and import button which will search all the product of that page and imports all page products
  • Store Products:

    To import all the store products by using store name or seller name.


  • Select the type you want either by store name/seller name and select country and category click on get seller products, it searches the products and displays in the table. From the table select the product you want to import and by selecting bulk action import selected products. Use pagination to navigate to next page products to import
  • Manage By Keyword:

    This option is useful for ebay affiliate to search products based on keyword.


  • Enter the search term and select country and category click on search products, it searches the products and displays in the table. From the table select the product you want to import and by selecting bulk action import selected products. Use pagination to navigate to next page products to import. Use conditions to filter the searched product like min price, max price, free shipped only
  • Manage By UPC/EAN/ISBN:

    This option is useful to import products based on upc/ean/isbn.


  • Select the type and enter respective value and country from which you want to import. Select the category in which you want to import or select Use ebay category which will create ebay category and assign to the imported products Respective product will be shown in the table Select the products and bulk action and import products.
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