Webagency Widget – Multi-website builder for wordpress
Add a multi-website builder to your wordpress website. Offer both free and premium websites to your subscribers. Extremely easy to use. Create as many sites as you like and manage them within WordPress admin.
View the main features below.
Easy installation
Installing is Easy. Upload and activate the plugin. Add the Webagency Widget to your sidebar
Your blog visitors can now create website
Registion included a domain suggestion tool.
Visitors who register for a website are automatically turned to subscribers.
Custom CMS for subscribers
Your subscribers will now have access to a CMS allowing them to create multiple websites
The CMS is structured as followed
- Website detail
- Google Map with drag and drop Marker selector
- Social links (facebook, twitter, instagram…ect)
- Banners
- Upload images with text and description to be used in animated sliders
- Pages
- Projects/Portfolio
- Projects categories
- Projects
- Upload multiple images
- Projects categories
- Product Categories
- Products Categories
- Products
- Upload multiple Images
- Products Categories
Webagency Widget creates it’s own custom tables to store data. So that the script will never interfere with the data you already have onto your wordpress blog
Easy to use interface
The CMS uses an ajax interface powered by Jquery, no need to wait for page to be reloaded. You get access to you data instantly
Webagency Widget creates clean, modern and customizable websites.
Fully responsive and customizable designs
Ecommerce technology used allow your subscribers to run a paypal online store from the websites they’ve created.
Customizable themes
Sell domain packages to your subscribers
Charge your subscribers to host the website under a domain name while using your website builder.