Woocommerce Tabs Pro (WooCommerce)

Key Features

  • Clean Design
  • Responsive Layout
  • WPML Plugin Support
  • 11 different tab types
    • Produtcs : It is a great idea to offer another products when a customer is visiting a product.Choose products for different use.(Such as: Wear With, Use With, …)
    • Download : You can add files for download in this type of tab.
    • Editor : In this type You’ll have an editor field which you can enter any contetn!!
    • FAQ : Include some FAQs for product(s).
    • Inquiry Form : If you need to provide a rquest form for product, You can choose this type.(Ajax Submit)
    • Map :Display map in tab. We provide three types for displaying map.Embed Map,Location point and Direct Address
    • Photo Gallery : Add unlimited photo for product
    • Related Posts : Another good feature is related post, for example you need to display some news or articles related to a product.
    • Shortcodes : If you need to display any shortcodes in product tab, you can use this type.
    • Video Gallery : If you have Some videos for product, Add this tab. You can choose displaying type from Grid or Slider.
    • Brands & Category : Display All/Featured same brand Products
  • Tab Position Desplay in Front-End
    • Display Tabs in Product Single Page.(Original position )
    • Display Tabs in Sticky Button (Left/Right Side)
  • Display in different Mode
    • Display in Carousel (Products and Brands & Category)
    • Display in List (Products and Related Posts)
    • Display in Grid (Products and Related Posts and Photo and Video Gallery)
    • Display in Slider (Video and Photo Gallery )
    • Display Products in 4 Skins
    • Display beautiful Hover effect and animations for images and icons.
  • Setting Page with Advanced Options
    • Set Color for Skins
    • Set Type of Animation
    • Enable/Disable Use Default Woocommerce Theme or Use from Our Style
    • Set Margin top for Sticky Button(Left/Right Side Sticky)
    • Add Default Image for Product/Posts
  • Other Options
    • Enable/Disable Display tab content in Sticky
    • Enable/Disable Tab in tab managment
    • Set order for Tabs
    • Choose Icon for Tabs
    • Use For all Product : If You want to display Tab(s) for all product check this item. You Don`t need to add a Tab with same content in every product page. When you check this item, its content will be displayed in all products page, but if you want to disable the tab for a particular product you can edit product page and disaable it from there.
    • Column Number in Grid View
    • Icon Animation in Grid/List View
    • Image Animation in Grid/List View
    • Slider Height in Slider View
    • Add Unlimited FAQ
    • Execute any Shortcodes

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