WordPress Password Scanner (Utilities)

Thank you for checking out WordPress Password Scanner!

This is the first and currently only plugin that scans the passwords of WordPress users for their strength!

A large portion of all (attempted) hacks consist of various attempts to login with user credentials!


  • Scan your users for the use of weak passwords to keep your WordPress site secure!
  • Warns you if the default “admin” user exists
  • Quality Code & Lightweight plugin
  • See when users have last logged in
  • Works with Multi Sites
  • Works with all modern browsers
  • Tested until WordPress 4.4.2
  • Overridable functions and constants (for developers)

Are you experiencing problems?


All documentation can be found on our website, please visit: Documentation

System Requirements

  • (at least) WordPress v3.5
  • (at least) PHP v5.2.0


v.1.0.0 (Feb 4, 2016)

 1. Initial Release 

CodeCanyon new WordPress items


