Tag: Delighted
Delighted Flat Ajax Bootstrap 3 Dashboard (Admin Templates)
KEY FEATURES Built on AJAX. Built on LESS for faster and more efficient coding. Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 Layered PSD available for entire theme Flexible Layouts and more user friendly Draggable Portlets Unlimited Colorful Themes Menu available on leftside bar and top navbar Handful of Widgets and Animations/li> Flat , Clean and Responsive Admin…
Delighted Flat Responsive Bootstrap 3 Dashboard (Admin Templates)
KEY FEATURES Built on AJAX. Built on LESS for faster and more efficient coding. Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 Layered PSD available for entire theme Flexible Layouts and more user friendly Draggable Portlets Unlimited Colorful Themes Menu available on leftside bar and top navbar Handful of Widgets and Animations/li> Flat , Clean and Responsive Admin…