Delighted Flat Responsive Bootstrap 3 Dashboard (Admin Templates)


  1. Built on AJAX.
  2. Built on LESS for faster and more efficient coding.
  3. Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.0
  4. Layered PSD available for entire theme
  5. Flexible Layouts and more user friendly
  6. Draggable Portlets
  7. Unlimited Colorful Themes
  8. Menu available on leftside bar and top navbar
  9. Handful of Widgets and Animations/li>
  10. Flat , Clean and Responsive Admin Template
  11. Working chat Box
  12. 900+ Icons
  13. User friendly navigation through search box
  14. Retina Ready
  15. Unlimited hierarchy menu
  16. Fully Documented
  17. Profiles with User activity and posts
  18. Enhanced Invoice, Mailbox and Profile pages
  19. Bunch of jquery plugins
  20. Profile with Timeline, two types of recent feeds
  21. Data Tables with sorting and filtering
  22. Login,Signup,Lockscreens provided with full screen background
  23. Info Boxes with “color change ” flexibility
  24. Calendar with drag, drop, click , selectable events
  25. Five different plugins for charts
  26. Live charts
  27. Form Wizard and Validations
  28. Multiple Form upload with drag & drop and upload progress
  29. Bunch of variations in bootstrap progressbars
  30. Notifications with two types of jquery plugins ( noty & gritter)
  31. Drag and drop, markable todo list widget


  • Dashboard
  • Portlets
  • Delighted Gold
    • Tasks
    • Inbox
    • Profile
    • Invoice
    • Timeline
    • Animations
    • Notifications
    • Delighted Wiki
  • Typography
  • UI Kits
    • General Elements
    • Buttons
    • Tree View
    • Jquery UI
    • Nestable Lists
    • Extended Zoom
  • Components
    • Form Elements
    • Form Layouts
    • Form Validations
    • Form Wizards
    • Dropzone
    • Image Crop
    • File Manager
    • Grid
    • Tables
    • Calendar
    • Gallery
  • Delighted Pages
    • Login (2)
    • Register (2)
    • Forgot Password (2)
    • Lock Screen (2)
    • 404
    • 505
  • Graphs
    • Flot Charts
    • Morris charts
    • Chart JS
    • NVD3 Charts
  • Icons
    • Glyph Icons
    • Ion Icons
    • Font Awesome
  • Unlimited Menu
  • Icons


Version 1.0

  • Initial Release


Images included in the live site are only for demo purpose and are not included in the downloadable files. The ownership remains with the respective image owners.
ThemeForest new Admin Templates items





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