Tag: Movies
WordPress Movies Bulk Importer (Media)
WordPress Movies Bulk Importer WordPress Movies Bulk Importer allows you to instantly bulk import Movies from the Biggest Online Movie Database. Get cast info, cast biography, genre, actors, directors, release date, trailer and many more with just a few clicks. You’re a Movie Fanatic / Enthusiast and you want to build a Movie Blog Featuring…
Cinemapp – Movies Store (Corporate)
Whats Is ” Cinemapp ” ? Cinemapp is a Template Designed for the creation of websites for the Cinema, the template includes all the elements necessary for the construction of a Store for movies online, where you can buy movies directly from the site. The design is Modern, Simple, Intuitive and Clean. It also includes…
WP Watch Movies & TV Shows Online (Media)
Now you can run your own movies/tv-shows/podcasts/etc. (like primewire, letmewatchthis) website and stay in the comfort of WordPress with our Watch Movies & TV Shows Online Plugin. Building your audience for this niche is very easy and having a high traffic sites is a step away of you. Automatically grabs movie info and creates a…