Tag: Quantity
WooCommerce Time & Quantity Based Pricing (Products)
The WooCommerce Time & Quantity Based Pricing (WCTBP) plugin is a powerful tool that allows the shop admin to create “pricing rules” that dinamically set products price according to time periods and quantity (currently in cart). LIVE DEMO http://www.codecanyon.eu/wctbp/wp-admin user: demo pass: demo HOW IT WORKS It’s very straight-forward. Once installed and activated, a new…
WooCommerce Bulk Price and Stock Quantity Update (WooCommerce)
If this plugin is useful, could you please help us to rate it? it will be a big encouragement to improve for us. WooCommerce Bulk Price and Stock Update “WooCommerce Bulk Price and Stock Update” plugin allows WooCommerce Store Admins to Bulk Update All Products Price or Specific Category Products by a certain amount or…