The WooCommerce Time & Quantity Based Pricing (WCTBP) plugin is a powerful tool that allows the shop admin to create “pricing rules” that dinamically set products price according to time periods and quantity (currently in cart).
user: demo
pass: demo
It’s very straight-forward. Once installed and activated, a new “Time & quantity pricing” voice will appear in the main menu, from where the shop admin can access to the pricing rules configurator and create the “pricing rules”.
The shop admin can assign to a set of products (directly selecting them or a set of categories) multiple pricing rule. Each pricing rule has the following option:
- Rule name/id
- Product(s) selection
- Category(es) selection
- Assignment strategy (the rule can be assigned to the selected product/categories or to all products except the ones selected)
- “Children” categories (if a category was selected, that rule can be assigned also to its children)
- Time periods
For each pricing rule, the shop admin can create different dates & time periods (asasda) and assign them different prices. Every price strategy can depend on the product quantity present in the customer shopping cart. If the quantity is null or 0, the displayed product price will be automatically adjusted according to the strategy.
Example 1
The shop admin would like to make a special discount of the 20% for all “Category 1” products between 09:00 to 18:00 in evey day and for the whole 25th December day.
To configure this he only has to:
- Create a new rule and assign a name/id
- Select “Category 1” under categories
- Create a new price rule where:
- Day date type: Day of the week
- Days of the week: Select all
- Months: Select all
- Hour: 9
- Minute: 0
- End hour: 17
- End minute: 59
- Create a new date price rule where
- Price strategy: percentage
- Price value: 80% (in this case the final price will be 20% less than the original)
- Min and Max quantity can be left empty (but if the offer has to depend on the purchased quantity, this value can be filled as desidered)
- Create a time rule where:
- Day date type: Day of the month
- Days of the month: Select 25
- Months: Select “December”
- Hour: 0
- Minute: 0
- End hour: 23
- End minute: 59
- Create a new date price rule where
- Price strategy: percentage
- Price value: 80% (in this case the final price will be 20% less than the original)
- Min and Max quantity can be left empty (but if the offer has to depend on the purchased quantity, this value can be filled as desidered)
Example 2
Special price for all the “Category 1” products based on quantity. From 2 to 5 purchases, 20% discount and for more than 6 items 30% discount. This offer has to be active only during December.
- Create a new rule and assign a name/id
- Select “Category 1” under categories
- Create a new time period rule where:
- Day date type: Day of the week
- Days of the week: Select all
- Months: Select December
- Hour: 9
- Minute: 0
- End hour: 23
- End minute: 59
- Create a new pricing rule where
- Price strategy: percentage
- Price value: 80% (in this case the final price will be 20% less than the original)
- Min quantity: 2
- Max quantity: 5
- Create a new pricing rule where
- Price strategy: percentage
- Price value: 70% (in this case the final price will be 30% less than the original)
- Min quantity: 3
- Max quantity: can be left empty
Another useful feature added by the WCTBP plugin is a new column named “Pricing rule(s)” On the Products list page. In this way the shop admin can always know if a pricing rule has been assigned to one (or more) post(s)/product(s)
Frontend price change will be applied to shop page, product page, cart page,…
Scheduling date: day selection (days of the month option selected)
Scheduling rule(s) on products list page
Server time sincronization
= 1.0 - 05/02/16 = * Release