Tag: Quick

  • WooCommerce One Page Quick Shop (WooCommerce)

    If this plugin is useful, could you please help us to rate it? it will be a big encouragement to improve for us. WooCommerce One Page Quick Shop “WooCommerce One page Quick Shop” plugin is the faster and easier way to order from online shop for the customers. Just go to Quick Order Page, choose…

  • Wide Quick View – Woocommerce (WooCommerce)

    An exceptional way of viewing the products in 3 layouts. This quick view opens the product content on same page with the seamless animation effect; and lets you read the description on one CLICK or TOUCH of the product. CodeCanyon new WordPress items

  • BuddyPress Quick Activity (WordPress)

    Buddypress Quick Activity allow the Buddypress members of your site to quick post something to thier activity wall from anywhere on the site on any of your existing pages. With Buddypress by default, posting to activity is possiable only from the Activity tab of a member’s profile page. However, Buddypress Quick Activity plugin let you…

  • WooCommerce Quick Edit Products (WooCommerce)

    Woocommerce Quick Edit Products With this plugin you can quick edit woocommerce products all on one page. Including simple products, and products based on variations. You can display all products, or just display products based on a category. You can edit as many products as you want in just one step and edit many fields…

  • Photoshop CS5 Web Design, Pro! Book 1: Quick Start Guide

    Photoshop CS5 Web Design, Pro! Book 1: Quick Start Guide | Professional Photoshop book ! | This book was designed for people, who are looking for a job, and to apply for a position need a Photoshop knowledge. The book based on personal working experience in editorial offices and graphic design studios. | Full Color,…

  • JavaScript ToolBelt – Quick Guide

    JavaScript ToolBelt – Quick Guide quick guide quiz content divided in sections search functionality progress tracking advanced level custom learn settings List Price: $ 0.00 Price: $ 0.00 [wprebay kw=”web+development+tutorial” num=”0″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”web+development+tutorial” num=”1″ ebcat=”-1″]

  • HTML ToolBelt – Quick Guide

    HTML ToolBelt – Quick Guide quick guide quiz content divided in sections search functionality progress tracking advanced level custom learn setting List Price: $ 0.00 Price: $ 0.00 [wprebay kw=”web+development+tutorial” num=”4″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”web+development+tutorial” num=”5″ ebcat=”-1″] Find More Web Development Tutorial Products