Tag: Quick

  • WooCommerce Quick Shopping (Marketing)

    Quick Shopping is a WooCommerce Plugin which will improve the Shopping Experience for the Buyer. Using this Plugin, the Cart, Checkout Form and Payment Options can be displayed in the same page(Shop/Category/Product Page) when the buyer clicks the Add to Cart button and the buyer can complete the purchase in the same page without leaving…

  • Quick Event Calendar (Calendars)

    Quick Event Calendar is a very simple, performant and WordPress-integrated event calendar plugin. Quick Event Calendar allows you to add posts, events or any other custom post type to a flexible, responsive calendar which can be placed in a post, page or widget. Quick Event Calendar adapts to any existing (custom) post type and can…

  • Quick Pages – WordPress SEO Tool (SEO)

    Quick Pages tool allows to create and maintain tens if not hundreds of pages easily by simply maintaining relevant content in excel or open office spreadsheet file. Contrary to other similar plugins, Quick Pages will not create hundreds of pages but will use single WordPress page to display content for different pages with similar content.…

  • WP Picasa Quick Insert (Media)

    Get all albums and photos from a Google+ or Picasa user, see a preview, insert into the content, save to media library or set as featured image very easy & quickly. Features Get all albums and photos from a Google+ or Picasa user Quick insert images with original urls into the content Upload images to…

  • WP Google Images Quick Search (Media)

    Quick search millions of images on the internet (powered by Google Images API) then insert to content or set as featured image very easy and quickly. Quick video demo https://youtu.be/qE2BC7mTWAE Features Search images with powerful filters Quick insert image with original URL into content Upload image to Media Library then inserts into content Use image…

  • WooCommerce Quick Resort & Hotel Booking Calendar (WooCommerce)

    If this plugin is useful, could you please help us to rate it? it will be a big encouragement to improve for us. “WooCommerce Quick Booking Manager” plugin will enable online booking services for your site. You can show and manage your apartments/houses/hotel rooms/hotel/resorts (or something else) availability for rent. You can manage the bookings…

  • WP Quick Frontend Editor (Utilities)

    WP Quick FrontEnd Editor is a best front end editor that will allow you to change and save contents of post and pages by using WYSIWYG editor from frontend of your site without going to Dashboard for little change.Admin have control to give access of editor to author,contributors or editors. You can format your text…

  • Quick Edit Pro for WordPress (Utilities)

    About Quick Edit Pro Developed to make your blogging and content editing easier. With Quick Edit Pro you can easily edit: Your featured image Your Post/Page excerpt Your Post format And grab your Post/Page shortlink All without leaving the comfort of your main Post/Page screen. Video Preview Here Say goodbye to the days when you…

  • WordPress Quick Admin (Utilities)

    A must have plugin for every WordPress user, it saves 80% of your time. Quick manage Posts and Pages. CodeCanyon new WordPress items

  • Datedropper : jQuery Quick & Easy Date manage Plugin

    Datedropper is a jQuery plugin that provides a quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields. Tags: DateTime Picker The post Datedropper : jQuery Quick & Easy Date manage Plugin appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace