Urban is a premium bootstrap 3 web application admin template. It comes packed with a myriad of different layouts, pre-built skins(Sidebar & Header), angularJS and HTML versions, Grunt and Bower build processes and a host of other options. Urban gives you what you need to get started with bulding your next web application, CRM, CMS, admin or dashboard based project.
HTML and Angular versions
Online Customizer for generating custom CSS and less
Bower and grunt build process / non bower and grunt versions included
Always up to date online documentation
Responsive design
Unlimited customization possibilities
Clean design and commented code
Online Customizer
Make the template your own. Style in any way you want
Generate custom CSS and LESS files
- Bootstrap 3
- jquery
- animate.css
- Fastclick
- Jquery easing
- Perfect scroll bar
- Onscreen
- Modernizr
- Count to
- Angular
- Angular file upload
- Angular flot
- Angular nvd3
- Angular summernote
- Angular sweetalert
- Angular ui calendar
- Angular ui map
- Angular ui utils
- Angular xeditable
- Angular animate
- Angular bootstrap
- Angular sanitize
- Angular touch
- Angular ui router
- ocLazyLoad
- ngstorage
- Angles
- Bootstrap rating input
- Bootstrap tags input
- Dropzonejs
- international telephone input
- Masked input
- Checkbo
- Chosen Select
- Placeholder
- Card
- Jquery Validation
- Twitter bootstrap wizard
- Datepicker
- Bootstrap color palette
- Bootstrap timepicker
- Bootstrap Date Range Picker
- Timepicker
- Clock picker
- Color picker
- Touchspin
- Tagsinput