An Introduction to IBM Rational Application Developer: A Guided Tour (Ibm Illustrated Guide Series)
- Is perfect for all skill levels–from first steps to advanced topics
- Reinforces learning through practical hands-on interactive tutorials
- Uses modular chapters and freestanding tutorials
- Presents tutorials using a variety of database types
- including IBM Cloudscape-IBM DB2 Universal Database-Microsoft SQL Server-Sybase Enterprise Systems-and Oracle Database
IBM Rational Application Developer is a very important tool for developers, but it is also a complex product. An Introduction to IBM Rational Application Developer, A Guided Tour is designed to jumpstart the learning process with its focus on interactive hands-on learning through a wide variety of useful, practical, end-to-end tutorials.
Hands-on exercises and in-depth explanations form chapter “modules” within the book, thereby providing a complete step-by-step guide to each specific top
List Price: $ 59.95
Price: $ 32.95
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