HTML5 Canvas For Dummies

HTML5 Canvas For Dummies

HTML5 Canvas For Dummies

Create eye-popping visuals on the fly with HTML5 CanvasNow part of the HTML5 standard tool, Canvas gives programmers the ability to add images, animation, and sound to mobile and regular websites on the fly, in JavaScript, without needing any third-party tool or player. This practical For Dummies book clearly shows you how to get the most out of Canvas. It presents information in a friendly, non-intimidating way and helps you get started with the Canvas tag, create 2D drawings and images, add vi

List Price: $ 29.99

Price: $ 1.11

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3 responses to “HTML5 Canvas For Dummies”

  1. Let's Compare Options "Amazon Rocks" Avatar
    Let’s Compare Options “Amazon Rocks”
    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Great for Animation That Actually Loads… on “Most” browsers…, April 1, 2013

    This review is from: HTML5 Canvas For Dummies (Paperback)
    With Adobe slowly but surely withdrawing support for Flash, HTML5 Canvas will soon be the “go to” alternative for simple, easy, fast loading web animation. This book is a great find for all levels of designers, from do it yourselfers who never learned Flash, PHP or Java, to experienced programmers who want to transition to Canvas from vector, or translate their vector animations and graphics into things that actually will load on the web. Truly, as great as that Maya bot looks on the screen, no one will look at it if it takes three minutes to load!

    I’m an artist at Shader Joe’s dot com animation studios and have extensive Flash experience, but nearly zero Canvas. This book is a wonderful overview of the new capabilities of Canvas, all the way from static graphics to user interactive motion (ie: games!). Generous amounts of what the author calls “sample code” are given (it really runs, NOT pseudo code), including of course Fireworks. He doesn’t really give handshakes with “real” programming like scripts, but refers you to webtorials that fill in the blanks.

    If you’re in the profession, you know that 5 is still very new, so your implementations, particularly of audio and video (translate: codecs) will still be spotty, and not work with all browsers. In fact, even the mega hosts at NSI and GoDaddy are just now implementing 5 for thousands of websites on their shared servers.

    The real value of Canvas is that it’s bitmap, not vector based. That means that you can do a LOT of animation without slowing down your loading times. We have massive animation capabilities at our company, but before Canvas, even with Flash and Java, were hesitant to implement all but the simplest programs. Canvas is a real breakthrough as our tests show that you can run 20 times the objects as you could in vectors with no decrease in load times. A whole new world of games and apps awaits those willing to learn Canvas!

    Finally, the book goes from rank beginners to FAIRLY sophisticated users, but backs away from medical, science, legal and other animations. You wouldn’t expect them in a dummies book I suppose, but should realize that Canvas is perfectly capable of CAD-level rendering. After you enjoy this one, if you want to enhance your career rather than just add spice to your website, you might want to consider some of the more advanced Canvas texts, which really will require some Java work, like Lubbers or Cecco (Supercharged JavaScript Graphics: with HTML5 canvas, jQuery, and More, Pro HTML5 Programming (Professional Apress)). A good competitor for this volume, and equal in quality, is Nixon: Robin Nixon’s HTML5 Canvas Crash Course: Learn the HTML5 Canvas the quick and easy way. Enjoy!

    Library Picks reviews only for the benefit of Amazon shoppers and has nothing to do with Amazon, the authors, manufacturers or publishers of the items we review. We always buy the items we review for the sake of objectivity, and although we search for gems, are not shy about trashing an item if it’s a waste of time or money for Amazon shoppers. If the reviewer identifies herself, her job or her field, it is only as a point of reference to help you gauge the background and any biases.


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  2. David in Telluride, Colorado Avatar
    David in Telluride, Colorado
    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Very Useful, March 28, 2013
    David in Telluride, Colorado (Telluride, CO United States) –

    This review is from: HTML5 Canvas For Dummies (Paperback)
    I was interested in using HTML5 Canvas to add some interest to my websites. I didn’t have any experience with Canvas, and this “Dummies” book gave me a good background on Canvas features. I liked the sample code.

    This book is well documented and easy to follow. The Fireworks example gave me ideas for ways I can use Canvas to capture user attention. I was able to get started developing an app pretty quickly. There’s also some very good info on the use of color and Canvas layout.

    HIghly recommended.


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  3.  Avatar
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    “Effortless Learning and High ROI on my Time and Energy”, July 19, 2013

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: HTML5 Canvas For Dummies (Paperback)
    I own hundreds of software instructional books — this is the absolute best written and effective. You will love this book because it is well-written, clear, concise and delivers answers and solutions to the questions that this novice was facing when I got involved with designing and delivering web sites. If you want to know how to do good graphics and, like me, are a novice, than this is the best way to get it and get it RIGHT. — HTML5 is a must for today’s websites and Canvas is one of best solutions for creating and delivering great graphics.

    I loved the easy-to-read and easy-to-find structure and layout. Mr. Cowan gives the reader a format that helps break down the key blocks to gaining a firm understanding without having to work at it! Many software instructional books consume too much time and effort but I found Mr. Cowan’s presentation extremely user-friendly — both informative and engaging. Effortless learning and high ROI on my time and energy — you will thank me for recommending this book.


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