The Web Book – Build Static and Dynamic Websites

The Web Book – Build Static and Dynamic Websites

The Web Book - Build Static and Dynamic Websites

This book is the ultimate guide for those who are passionate about building either a static or a dynamic website. It not only contains recipes on five core web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL but, also demonstrates how to put these building blocks together to build a meaningful construction. Unlike other books, it doesn’t leave you stranded at the other end (guessing what to do next) but takes you to the final milestone. It builds the learning momentum in the initia


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One response to “The Web Book – Build Static and Dynamic Websites”

  1. James C. Lang Avatar
    James C. Lang
    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    The Web Book, May 23, 2013
    James C. Lang (Maybee, Mi) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    The book is a very good starter, I have been coding for over 12 years and needed to get up to speed on a few new items. The book did that. However I did not proof any of the pages or run any of the pages because you cannot down load the code. The address in Chapter 6 is flat wrong and the address in the front of the book requires you to join or pay to down load. So on the surface I give it high marks for easy to read, great descriptions, and excellent layout. However, none of it may work.//I posted the first review after spending about 30 minutes and not being able to download the code. Since then the author has contacted me with the corrected site to download the code and sent a second email making sure that I was able to get the code. All the code I checked worked so I am changing my rating from 1 for no working web site to download the code to 5 for an excellent reference book. Hope to see an error page soon, because regardless how careful you are there are always errors in coding.


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