WordPress MultiSite 110

WordPress MultiSite 110

WordPress MultiSite 110

How to you make your site do all those awesome things everyone else does? How do you bail yourself out when you’ve made a mistake? How do you bail your users out, or stop them from shooting themselves in the foot? Can you say ‘no’ to your users?

While it’s an extension of WordPress Multisite 101, 110 isn’t a supplemental, in fact it’s longer than 101! This is the next step for people who’ve managed to get the site up and running, but want to do a little more. In this e


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2 responses to “WordPress MultiSite 110”

  1.  Avatar
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    lots of good stuff, November 1, 2013
    G. Cogar (Sydney, Australia) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: WordPress MultiSite 110 (Kindle Edition)
    Mika and Andrea have an easy to read and understand style, I learnt heaps reading this book, keep up the good work


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  2.  Avatar
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Indispensable for Multisite Management, July 12, 2013

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: WordPress MultiSite 110 (Kindle Edition)
    This book and the previous one (about installation) are superb guides to some of the intricacies of WordPress Multisite (which should not even be attempted without a grounding in single WP installs). Many issues are identified and dealt with. Numerous plugins are suggested as solutions. Backup, security and maintenance are covered in detail. A myriad of choices for administering the main site and individual sites are clearly explained, with practical pros and cons. A relatively short book, no doubt to again be expanded in the future by a regular WP expert to be found in the forums. A got-to-have-it book.


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