wordpress live support chat (Utilities)

We Work to keep this item on the top Chat Support

feel free to contact us and send your feedback in here hamzhmail@gmail.com

  • Chat With Your visitor in WordPress site
  • admin can make him online or offline
  • operators (admins) can chat with each other
  • get user information IP address , country , browser and OS
  • admin can make user on hold
  • if user not responding for time admin will allocated the system will warning him with a massage and after another time of not responding the system will end chat except the user on hold by admin
  • user can rate and comment of chat session during chat
  • after user end chat session he can rate and comment feedback for chat session
  • works as Gmail or Facebook like
  • sound and title alert for new massages
  • Easy to type emotions
  • If chat window is minimized, it notifies you if new message arrived
  • user can download chat logs
  • admin notification in admin bar if new massages and new users
  • contact form when all admins offline
  • admin can chat at any page in dashboard admin and user interface
  • admin can change user massages (welcome massage – offline massage … ) and fields (name-email-comments)


 == 16 Nov 2015 / version 1.0.1 == - not display chat until site complete load . - fix bugs  ==  16 Nov 2015 / Version 1.0.0 == - Release item on codecanyon  

CodeCanyon new WordPress items


